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Lawes Environmental Services, LLC
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What Grants are available?

The largest available grant presently available provides the homeowner with a maximum of $3,000 to upgrade a non-leaking underground storage tank (UST). In order to be eligible for this grant you must complete the Residential Non-Leaking Underground Storage Tank cover application and check the appropriate box.   If you need this application, click here.

Who is eligible?

The vast majority of New Jersey residents are eligible. There are three main criteria for qualifying.
1. You must have a federal taxable income of LESS than $250,000.
2. Your net worth must be less than $500,000 (excluding your primary residence and pension).
3. You need to demonstrate that repaying a loan would be a financial burden. The NJEDA can     determine what is a hardship.

Are there any other conditions based on income?

Any applicant with a taxable income of more than $200,000 who qualifies for a grant shall be required to pay no more than $1,000 for the eligible project.

What are my out-of-pocket expenses

A $250 application fee is required that is sent with your cover application and accompanying documentation.

What forms do I need to completed?

Click HERE to be directed to the Forms page. All necessary forms to be completed can be found on this page.

At what point should I apply for the grant money?

It is recommended that you submit your application once your tank upgrade has been completed.

How do I pay my contractor?

The State of NJ issues a two-party check, payable to the homeowner and contractor. Once you receive this check, you would endorse it over to your contractor.

What if payment is required in advance the the work?

Payment should then be made to the contractor.  The State of NJ will then issue a check payable to your name.  You must, however, include a copy of the contractor’s invoice and your related cancelled check used to pay for the work.

Q: What form do I use to make this request?

You need to complete the PUST Non-Leaking Residential Storage Tank Grant Requisition. Click HERE to be directed to the Forms page. All necessary forms to be completed can be found on this page. If payment is due to more than one contractor a grant requisition form must be completed for each contractor.

How long will it take to get my grant money?

Reimbursement time is approximately 6-8 weeks.

Who should I hire to do my tank replacement?

A DEP certified contractor must complete the work in order to eligible for state grants. to do the work. Please contact us for a recommendation.

Can I apply for a grant retroactively?
Unfortunately, no. To be eligible for this grant, the upgrade of a non-leaking residential heating oil tank needs to have been completed after August 2, 2006, when the new legislation went into effect. Unfortunately, there is no grandfather clause.

If it is determined that my tank is leaking, could I still apply for a grant from the fund?

Yes, but your application needs to be submitted in a different manner. Click HERE for details.

What type of tank upgrade should I choose?

Lawes Coal Company can aid you in your decision and tank selection.  There are many options to choose from that are safe and aesthetically pleasing and will not compromise the environment.  To look over the tank options, please click here.