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Lawes Environmental Services, LLC
web design: Wood River Associates
The UST Fund The UST Fund provides loans and grants to eligible owners and operators of regulated and non-regulated petroleum underground storage tanks to help finance project costs for the upgrade and closure of State regulated underground storage tanks and remediation of discharges from regulated and non-regulated underground storage tanks.
NJ Economic Development Authority Whether you are a business in need of financing to grow in New Jersey, a nonprofit organization seeking capital to expand community services, a municipality looking to attract a major corporation within your boundaries, or a developer requiring funds for a major redevelopment project, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) is ready to put its resources to work for you. The EDA is a self-supporting, independent state agency whose mission is to stimulate business development, job creation and community revitalization throughout the State.
Oil Heat Pros Partner for Realty and Oilheat Success for all licensed real estate agents in the CT, NC, NJ, OH and NY regions.  Material for listing and selling oil-heated homes.
FMANJ Organized in 1933, the Fuel Merchants Association of New Jersey represents more than 600 petroleum marketers and industry suppliers conducting business in the state of New Jersey. FMANJ's members market heating oil, motor fuels and other petroleum products and associated services.
OilHeatAmerica Education for oilheat equipment, energy conservation and oilheat benefits.
NORA Beginning March 1, 2001, retail oilheat distributors began a program where each gallon of heating oil sold in key heating oil states is assessed a fee of $.002 per gallon. This fee is assessed in compliance with a law that was passed by Congress in 2000 (Public Law 106-469), which was designed to respond to the numerous energy problems that occurred in 2000, and to develop a stronger energy policy for the United States.
Site Remediation & Waste Management The Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Remediation, Upgrade And Closure Fun ("UST Fund").
NJ Energy Watch Current information on the use of oil in NJ